にmeans 2
This is hiragana. To remember this hiragana, when you see this hiragana, you will see that it looks like knee and knee cap - that is, ni.
But numbers are written in Kanji as well. But the first few numbers are easy to write.
1 | ichi | 一 |
2 | ni | 二 |
3 | san | 三 |
4 | shi/yon | 四 |
5 | go | 五 |
6 | roku | 六 |
7 | shichi/nana | 七 |
8 | hachi | 八 |
9 | kyuu/ku | 九 |
10 | juu | 十 |
To form other numbers like 11, juuichi, juuni, juusan,juushi, juugo, juuroku,
20 is nijuu, 21 is nijuuichi, 22 is nijuuni, 23 is nijuusan, 24 is nijuushi, 25 is nijuugo etc
40 is yonjuu
50 is gojuu
60 is rokujuu
hyaku is 100 is 百
Thanks for sharing and for sticking with your theme! I've never been to Japan but it is on the list of places I want to visit someday. Good luck with the rest of the A-Z challenge!